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Keller minimal windows® presented PIVOT entrance door designed by Zaha Hadid Architects

Last updated 30.12.2022

As member of the Luxembourg based Valfidus and AluK Group, KELLER minimal windows® initiated a Charity initiative to support Breast Cancer Research Institutions. The Charity initiative is based on the auctioning of an exclusive, one of its kind and newly designed, engineered and developed KELLER minimal windows® PIVOT entrance door solution.

The door will stay a unique design solution – designed by ZAHA HADID ARCHITECTS, London (

The door solution has been presented worldwide for the 1st time in a rendered version on the exclusive Brussels Event on Dec. 8th, 2022. Here the KELLER partners Group CEYSSENS and BREVER in combination with KELLER minimal windows® presented minimal windows solutions to interior designers, architects and construction enthusiasts in an on-invitation-only event.

How to become the exclusive Owner of that door solution? The auction period starts in December 2022 and will collect donations until 28 February 2023. All interested can place their bid and can follow the auction development. Auction bidding platform and rules will be announced in the coming days.

On 28 February 2023 a live stream will accompany the last 60 minutes of the auction and at the end of these 60 minutes the one with the largest bid will become the owner of the one-of-its-kind KELLER pivot door - designed by ZAHA HADID ARCHITECTS.

The owner can than decide if she or he wants to get the door as a kind of piece of art as a stand-alone mock-up e.g., exhibited in the living room or if she or he wants to integrate it e.g., in a new to be build house as entrance door.

The entire amount achieved by this auction will be donated to FONDATION CANCER, Luxembourg.

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